Opening Day – June 18

Oskara Kalpaka bulvāris 4, Riga, Latvia: 9:00-16:00

9:30-10:00 Registration for the conference

10:00-11:30 Opening of the conference
Introduction to the conference by Prof. Kaspars Kļaviņš, head of the Department of Asian Studies at the University of Latvia
Welcome speech by the Vice-Rector of the University of Latvia 

First Section 11:30-13:30

Ingrida Kleinhofa (University of Latvia)
A Case of Reciprocal Cross-Cultural Inspiration: The Story of Leyli and Majnun by Nizami Ganjavi

Azizaga Najafov (Institute of Manuscripts named after Muhammad Fuzuli of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences)
Nizami Ganjavi and Science      

Inese Dāvidsone (University of Latvia)
The Language of Love Through Seven Princesses, Or the Rise of Magical Realism in Nizami Ganjavi’s Work “Haft Peykar”

13:00-14:00 Coffee Break

Second Section 14:00-16:00

Sausana Hašaba (University of Latvia)
Ancient Manuscripts at the the National Library of Latvia: A Look Inside an Ottoman En’am-i Şerif

Aynur Najafova (Institute of Manuscripts named after Muhammad Fuzuli of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences)
The Eastern Manuscripts Fund of the Institute of Manuscripts Named after Muhammad Fuzuli of ANAS

Kaspars Kļaviņš (University of Latvia)
Imadeddin Nasimi Between the Microcosm and the Universe

The Collection of the Library of Professor Jānis Ešots

A gift to the library of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Latvia from the Institute of Manuscripts named after Muhammad Fuzuli of ANAS presented by Aynur Najafova